To work for the rural women empowerment, by upskilling them on necessary income generating skills and linking them to credit support facilities for their entrepreneurship.
Contact:Hema Gupta
To work for the rural women empowerment, by upskilling them on necessary income generating skills and linking them to credit support facilities for their entrepreneurship.
Program Scope
To provide counselling, technical and skill upgradation support to needy women from rural and tribal communities who are victims of physical and oral abuses or are economically dependent on family members.
Facilitate skilled women in setting up of their units or enterprises with linkages to banks, cooperatives and other govt. schemes.
Provide and facilitate with marketing skills and platform for the women to showcase and sell their products at competitive rates and gain more profits.
To work towards cultural and psychological shift in the mindsets of the societies, towards women rights through awareness campaigns, village meetings.
Recognition and understanding of women’s rights among communities will improve and they will shift towards gender inclusive communities.
Availability of opportunities of dignified work and income to rural, less educated women.
Imparting skills will provide women with confidence building and improving their communications and personalities.
The young girls who will represent the future generations will be able to extend their voices and protect their rights.